Buen Camino! My name is Nicole De Leon, and I am a poet&scholar. I live on the Central Coast of California, and I am my cat's human. I try to infuse my poetry, scholarly writing, and photography with my experiences of walking the #everydaycamino.
I earned my B.A. & M.A.--in English--from Sonoma State University. Currently, I am working on my Ph.D. in Historical & Cultural Studies of Religion (Literature & Religion) at the Graduate Theological Union.
My dissertation focuses on two Twentieth-Century poets, Marianne Moore & Denise Levertov, and the ways in which they construct their poetic worlds so as to create imaginary spaces where readers can pilgrimage (to, from, within, and through).
Academic/Teaching Experience
Graduate Theological Union:
Instructor, The Religious Imagination & 20th century American Poetry, Fall 2015
Teaching Assistant, Art and Pilgrimage, Fall 2014 (lecture given: The Pilgrimages within Pilgrimage: The Chartres Cathedral and its Labyrinth)
Teaching Assistant, at Sonoma State University, American Poetry, Spring 2014
Sonoma State University:
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Poetry, Fall 2012 (lectures given: Marianne Moore, John Ashbery)
Teaching Assistant, California Ethnic Literature, Summer 2012
Teaching Assistant, Survey: Imagining America—Early Period, Spring 2012 (lectures given: Jefferson and Adams, Henry D. Thoreau, Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: The Beginnings of American Poetry)
Teaching Assistant/Discussion Leader Coordinator, Cal. Ethnic Literature, Fall 2011
Teaching Assistant, California Ethnic Literature, Summer 2011
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Poetry, Fall 2010
Newhall Teaching Fellowship 2015-2016
Presidential Scholarship 2013-2015
"ash-covered forehead," Zaum XVIII , 2014
"Exegesis," Zaum XVIII, 2014
"Biscotti," Zaum XVII, 2013
Scholarly Essays
“Black and White: Priest’s Vestments or Convict’s Robes,” Jacaranda (Spring 2008),
Creative Non-Fiction
“iamnot,” Jacaranda (Spring 2008)
"through the woods," Burning Daylight (Spring 2012)
Please be specific in the subject line if you email me at: deleon.nicole11@gmail.com
Or @everyday_poet on Instagram.
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